Serene Spirit Vase Arrangement  in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Serene Spirit
Vase Arrangement
With its elegant charm, Serene Spirit is an exceptional bouquet for any occasion. This arrangement is a vision composed of light pink carnations and roses, peach carnations and spray roses, white tuberoses and ranunculus, and greenery. Send this floral bouquet to someone you love today!
Shown at $125.00
Shown at $125.00
Delicate Sunrise Flower Arrangement in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Delicate Sunrise
Flower Arrangement
They’ll never forget this sunny surprise! With lovely purple roses, white alstroemeria, yellow roses, and pink spray roses, this striking arrangement features all the colors of a beautiful sunrise. Send Delicate Sunrise to someone special today!
Shown at $90.00
Shown at $90.00
A Pinch of Peach Lifestyle Arrangement in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
A Pinch of Peach
Lifestyle Arrangement
This vibrant arrangement will make them smile! Full of peach carnations, orange roses, peach ranunculus, and more, A Pinch of Peach will be the highlight of their day. Send this fiery arrangement to someone you love today!
Shown at $120.00
Shown at $120.00
Rustic Revival Lifestyle Arrangement in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Rustic Revival
Lifestyle Arrangement
This striking arrangement is sure to rekindle those feelings! With beautiful pink lilies, hydrangeas, cream roses, and more, Rustic Revival will be an instant hit with all who see it. Send this bouquet to that special someone today!
Shown at $135.00
Passover Flowers Designer's Choice in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Passover Flowers
Designer's Choice
Delightful spring blooms are the perfect way to celebrate Passover! Our expert florists will create something as wonderful and inspirational as the holiday you’re commemorating. Add some awe-inspiring flowers to your Passover celebration and festivities! They’re sure to get everyone into the spirit of the holiday.
Shown at $65.00
Shown at $65.00
Passover Premium Designer's Choice in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Premium Designer's Choice
Fresh flowers are a fantastic way to ring in this holiday full of joy and remembrance! Our professional designers will go above and beyond to create a truly awe-inspiring and spectacular bouquet for your Passover festivities. It’s the perfect addition to any holiday home decor!
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Send Luxury Designer's Choice in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Send Luxury
Designer's Choice
Luxury never looked so nice! Shower your loved one in luxury today with a custom-designed floral arrangement. It’ll be the highlight of their day! Our designers will create something truly magnificent and luxurious, specifically for them. We’ll make sure it’s as unique and beautiful as they are.
Shown at $125.00
Shown at $125.00
Eye Candy Lifestyle Arrangement in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Eye Candy
Lifestyle Arrangement
Make their day special with this eye-catching bouquet! Eye Candy is sure to dazzle any recipient with snapdragons, roses, carnations, and more. Order this special arrangement today!
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Be Lovable Lifestyle Arrangement in Clifton, NJ | Days Gone By Florist
Be Lovable
Lifestyle Arrangement
Create a bubble of happiness with Be Lovable! Bright, fiery blooms of hot pink gerberas, hot pink garden roses, mini orange spray roses, and purple tulips create a stunning accent that anyone will love. Send these fresh flowers today and let them know you care!
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Buy Now
This Passover add a beautiful spring arrangement of blues and whites to your table. Daisies, roses, lilies, violets, and other spring blooms make a beautiful Seder table gift. A floral arrangement is also a great way to say thank you to your host. Order your Passover flowers early and avoid the final dash for a centerpiece. Call, come into the shop, or order online. Whatever you decide, Days Gone By Florist can help you.